Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This one started at the dinner table last night...

I really don't like having political discussions at the dinner table - and not too many other places for that matter, but things come up, and sometimes you just have to go there! I was challenged by a family member about the news programs I listen to and invited to believe "their truth" about what's REALLY going on in politics!
As much as I don't like disagreeing with or upsetting family that I love, I at least came away with a challenge to myself re: Why do I listen to news programs like Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, Glenn Beck, CBN, etc? And this is the discussion I had with myself:

Their reporting is less biased. They can discuss both the conservative and liberal viewpoints without getting off base from the standard beliefs and truths, and line up more closely with the truths of the Bible that I adhere to. They will report the facts that other networks want to sweep under the rug, regardless of how it will affect the ratings. (So eloquently referred to as "Media Malpractic" by the example site
They are credible news stations/shows with Emcees who still know and understand what the Constitution of the United States says and means.

It seems for the last 50 years at least, the people of the United States have forgotten, or maybe allowed themselves to be swayed on what the Bill of Rights, and the First Amendment of the Constitution REALLY says. All we ever hear is “Separation of Church and State”, and frankly, I get tired of it! These words have been adopted by many countries like Russia, but have never been part of our Constitution.

In a nutshell, The First Amendment expressly prohibits the United States Congress from making laws "respecting an establishment of religion" or that “prohibit the free exercise of religion”.
Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine that government and religious institutions are to be kept separate and independent from each other. The term most often refers to the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom of religious exercise.

Please people – look it up!

(And, just a thought, hasn’t our government in a round-about way already “established” the religion of Secular Humanism by prohibiting God in our schools, and rejected the free excercise of religion - most specifically Christianity?)

What it boils down to is what we have been hearing in the Truth Project - ‘Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?’

What is the standard we use to measure? Do we have a base? Is it a moral base?

As Christians, we are to use the Word of God as our standard. The world wants to change the standard, but we are to hold fast to it.

What is shaping our beliefs? The news reports or the Truth?!

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