Friday, November 14, 2008


With the elections behind us, I have been trying to focus on the role God would have us fill as Christians in this time of crisis, with a Democratic majority led government. But it does force me to first examine what it means to be a Christian in a country where God is becoming more and more 'unpopular'. I have to ponder things like:

How did Barack Obama get the vote of so many "evangelicals"?

Could it be because the definition of 'evangelical' has changed? Have our beliefs been watered down or compormised, and we don't hold to the "Biblical Worldview" we once did?

What is the "Biblical Worldview"?

For several years, The Barna Group has been tracking how many people possess a "biblical worldview." The organization defines such a life perspective on the basis of several questions about religious beliefs. The definition requires someone to:

1. believe that absolute moral truth exists;
2. that the source of moral truth is the Bible;
3. that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches;
4. that eternal spiritual salvation cannot be earned;
5. that Jesus lived a sinless life on earth;
6. that every person has a responsibility to share their religious beliefs with others;
7. that Satan is a living force, not just a symbol of evil;
8. and that God is the all-knowing, all-powerful maker of the universe who still rules that creation today.

(I won't bore you with the statistics here, but I will tell you the numbers are frightfully low!)

So, do you hold a Biblical Worldview? What do you believe? Maybe it's time to ask ourselves some of these questions! Just a thought....

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

I am so thankful that God has opened my eyes to these truths:)