Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Can I just say something....?

I was with a family member the other night and there was a brief discussion on the political race (go figure!). This family member mentioned how they hated all the dirty politics going on (who doesn't), but right in that mix was a comment that they would not vote for someone based on their pro life/choice stance. Of course that started me thinking why I DO! After all, in God's eyes, isn't life the most important thing? The selfish "my body, my rights" thinking is stinking! And besides that, isn't Pro Life synonymous with Pro Conscience?
I know there is a lot going on in the world right now - especially in the financial realm, but this has only caused me to think more about God's Economy, and what He wants from us as His church. Most people, including many Christians, are unfamiliar with the application of the word economy in relation to God. If you are interested, there is a very good description of God's Economy on the following website:

Bottom Line:

We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future!

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