.....at least according to the Homeland Security report that came out just prior to the T.E.A. Parties which were held on Wednesday, April 15, 2009.
(Really, who in their right mind would trust this face?)
Here's a brief description of what happened:
Tens of thousands of protesters staged "TEA parties" around the country Wednesday to tap into the collective angst stirred up by a bad economy, government spending, and bailouts.The "Taxed Enough Already" (TEA) rallies were directed at President Barack Obama's new administration on a symbolic day: the deadline to file income taxes. The tea parties were promoted by FreedomWorks, a conservative nonprofit advocacy group based in Washington and led by former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas, who is now a lobbyist. Organizers said the movement developed organically through online social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and through exposure on Fox News.
According to the AFA (American Family Association), "Hundreds of thousands attended approximately 3,000 rallies."
I attended a rally along with my Pastor and a few friends from work and church on the corner of 11 Mile Rd. and Harper in St. Clair Shores. I wasn't sure what kind of turnout there would be, and the organizers of this particular event anticipated about 50 people. I did not take an actual headcount, but would say that there was at least 200 in attendance; all in unity on the issues (none looking like they were from extremely "rich" neighborhoods as reported by certain media). We had about a 99% positive response from passersby.
And, here's a taste of what went on locally in Michigan by others who attended rallies in the area:
At the GP War Memorial. 300-400 people. "A large group of us lined the streets with posters and flags. Cars honked as they drove by. 1500 cars came thru the parking lot dropping off $1 for envelope, stamp and tea bag that would be mailed to DC."
"I thought that I would drive into downtown Plymouth to grab a coffee for the ride back to SCS to make the tea party in my town. As I tried to find a parking place in Plymouth to grab my road java, I could not find a single parking place. Come to find out there was a massive tea party going on in downtown Plymouth. Somebody said over a thousand people, so I stayed and participated in a very uplifting pro American experience I have ever witnessed. Thaddeus McCotter(R) the Rep from that district gave a incredible speech, the band played God Bless America, we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. And yes, Channel 2 had news truck there, they even broadcast some video on the 10PM news."
In Lansing, Michigan, outside the state Capitol, another 4,000 people (reported by OneNewsNow.com)
These people all sound pretty "dangerous" to me!
As usual, there was either no news reporting at all on the event, or it was so blatenly negative that you wouldn't even know we all lived in the same country!
It was reported by Fox News the day after the event that a Whitehouse spokesperson, when asked for the President's response, stated "President Obama is not aware of any TEA Parties."
One particular report stood out to me,(and this just a sample of the many others out there):
CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen was interviewing a Chicago TEA party ("Taxed Enough Already") participant when she evidently did not approve of what he was saying about President Obama's tax policies, talked over him as he responded to her question, and began to editorialize.
Roesgen: "I think you get the general tenor of this [rally]. It's anti-government, anti-CNN -- since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox. And since I can't really hear much more -- and I think this is not really family viewing -- I'll toss it back to you, Kyra." (I bolded the statements that stood out to me as a 'slap in the face' to all participants)
Below is a link to view a copy of the report put out by the DHS:
So, if you are for lower taxes and less spending, opposed to abortion, illegal immigration, homosexual marriage, a returning veteran from Iraq, and a host of other issues, your government considers you a potentional terrorist!
(Oh, just for the record, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized to the Veterans!)