Saturday, July 11, 2015

I don't hate you!

That's right! In fact I love you!  I don't hate anyone.

But, you say, "What if I am gay?"  I say, "No difference! I love you regardless of the color of your skin, the bad things you have done, or the way you choose to express your love outside of traditional marriage."

So why are you believing all their lies when they don't even know me?  They tell you that unless I throw away my Christian convictions about what sin is, then I am intolerant and a hate monger.  If they don't even believe in God, that shouldn't bother them.  I can bake you a cake, but once I say I can't use my business or talents to endorse your event because it is in conflict with my personal beliefs, now I am to have my home and business taken away and my life ruined because of my intolerance.  Is this tolerance? Is this love? No, this is hypocritical.  I must accept your beliefs but I am not allowed to have or live by my own?


He would.................
Feed you if you were hungry
Give you drink if you are thirsty
Clothe you if you were naked
Visit you if you were in prison
Care for you if you were widowed or orphaned
Help you if you are hurting or broken
Die for you

Wait, what?  Yes, He would (and did) die for you, and so would I.

You heard that right!  If I thought my death would save you, I would die for you.  After all, my life is not my own.  I am wholly committed to God and have no question where I am going for eternity. 

But, what Jesus can't do for you (and neither can I) is tell you that your sin is acceptable in God's eyes.  We can't change God's laws to suit man's lusts.  The couple that is living together before getting married - I can't tell them that is O.K.  The guy that is cheating on his taxes - not O.K.  The liar, the cheater, the murderer - all wrong.  Are all loved by God? Yes! Are they welcome at the foot of the cross or in my church? Yes!  Will they hear the truth according to God's word there? Yes!  But we ALL have free will.  I chose to surrender.  You may not.  I don't love you any less.  Understand?

I have nothing to gain by hating you.  My heart is to see you experience the love of God as I did over 30 yrs. ago.

I lived a wild life as a teenager, and did many things that grieved the heart of God.  When I got married I left all those behaviors behind and for several years thought I was doing O.K., because now I was a good person - or so I thought!  I still had a choice to make because I found, as God drew me by His love, that none of my good works could save me.

In the end, EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord!  So glad I chose to bow when I did and now experience the overcoming power of God in my life every day!

What will you do?  As long as there is breath, there is hope.  We are not promised tomorrow though.  Today is the day of salvation.  Now is the time.  God loves you - and so do I!

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