Monday, March 2, 2009

Road Trip

Jaimie and I, with kids in tow, took a trip down to

Tenessee to see Mike, Samie and Summer.

I was amazed at how well the kids did on
such a LONG drive!

Drew and Kaylie liked having breakfast
at the Hotel...

...and they got pretty comfortable in
their new digs away from home too!

Then they got to meet Uncle Mike and

their new cousin Summer Elaine.

Summer is so cute! And she has grown

so much since I saw her in December!


Keri said...

looks like a fun trip!! great pics!

Jaimie said...

where are we going next???

hisbelovedlizc said...

Well, I've always wanted to see Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon. Are you up for it?