As the Supreme Court approaches their decision on gay marriage, the argument is being revived all over the news, on billboards and in social media.
I read a comment in a post just yesterday that said, "homosexuality is not a sex act any more than heterosexuality is a sex act."
Really? No, I mean, really?
We are sexual beings by nature, but unfortunately we also all have a sin nature, and that can take many roads. Without exercising some self control and restraint, we are all at risk of crossing the line. How many openly gay people do you know that practice celibacy? And, having said that, all sex outside of marriage is sin according to the Bible. Well, here's another quote I heard today, "The gospel is meant to change the sinner, not for the sinner to change the gospel to suit their sin." You can't change God's law to suit you.
Sin is sin, right? And every sin will be judged by God, unless it is put under the blood of Jesus.
So why then does it seem that Christians appear only to be focusing on gays?
Are they? Or is the LGBT agenda demanding that the Christian accept their 'lifestyle' because they feel so strongly that God does? If the Christian dares to bring up the sin issue, then they are automatically tagged as hate mongers and homophobes. The Christian tries desperately to "speak the truth in love" but it falls on deaf ears. Could it just be that they are the only "sin" group that is fighting for rights to live the way they want to live, and have rights attached to it regardless of what the law (God's or man's) says? Well, let's just change the law then and we'll deal with God later. They should just get married, right? Let me ask you this, are the fornicators, adulterers, pedophiles, lairs, thieves, and a myriad of other "sinner" groups asking for this? This may be why they are feeling attacked, not because they are actually being attacked, it's just that the Christian cannot stand down when it comes to opposing God's word. Many Christians have, and there is now much compromise in the church. Does that make it any more right?
I do realize that fornication is almost never addressed because, sadly the movements of the 60's did take us take us to a place of acceptance and down a road away from God. "If it feels good, do it." was the slogan. Is this where the slippery slope started? Not really?
Sexual sin has been around since the garden, and at one point it became so perverted that God destroyed an entire city. God has not changed his mind. Yet, He is not cruel enough to create a person one way and then say it is wrong for them. So who is wrong here - God? No, the problem doesn't lie with God.
The latest "in your face" stance resides on a billboard near me. It almost assumes the message 'I dare you to tell me He doesn't'!
So, does He? Yes, absolutely! God loves everyone! I love you! I have no problem with you. We all have our beliefs and our opinions and have all been created by God, in His image and according to His likeness. Let's meet at the foot of the cross! Let's take it to God in prayer. I mean dare to take it to prayer! He loves you.